Free Consultation

Every home project is unique. You need to consider the shape, slope, size and soil type of your block along with any local government planning regulations . The project budget then needs to be aligned to ensure that all costs associated with all of the necessary items are thought of and covered off (ie Land/Existing House, Demolition, Design & Approvals, Build Costs, Pools, Landscaping / Fencing etc).

Starting this process can be overwhelming, but starting without advice or the wrong advice could cost time and money so it’s imperative to get professional advice from the beginning.

A consultation with Inline Designer Homes will be invaluable. Whether in our Design Studio or On-Site, a review and discussion around your design ideas, “wishlist” and budget, will allow us to give you realistic and practical options
for your project.

Most importantly, we will be able to address any issues you may not have considered and the impact this may have on design or costs of your project.

This is the consultation that could save you thousands… and it’s free.

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